Hall7 Real Estate Limited is a company built on integrity and the vision to serve customers and the general public.

We lend helping hands by identifying those areas where we are needed or can prove relevance and then go ahead to proffer solutions in these areas as best we can. Corporate Social Responsibility is an area which we do not take for granted. In this area, our integrity is evident, we have gone out of our norms to contribute to society where needed.
In the past year, Hall 7 Real Estate has visited 3 orphanages in the bid to fulfill our obligation to the needy. We recognize the need to help the less fortunate as we believe without success we must also bless others with that which we have been blessed. We realize the need to make people within our society feel joy and fulfillment in their lives and in whichever ways we can.

Hall7 real estate has donated to a number of orphanages several food items, toiletries, toys, clothing and financial support. Hall 7 Real Estate has also proposed a project of hostel blocks for the ‘Hope For Survival Orphanage’ at Gishiri, Abuja. This was a proffered solution to their congestion accommodation problem. In addition, Hall 7 Real Estate has taken up the responsibility of providing funds for education of children from ‘Poorest of the Poor Orphanage’. We understand the need for a child to be educated.

Above and beyond all of this we will continually hold up our end of the CSR stick with plans to do more for society. We have dreams of building schools, homes, roads and providing basic amenities like clean water, good food etc. among this dream is the plan to also provide more jobs and opportunities to members of the society. And with these little drops we hope for a ripple effect on the state and the nation as a whole.